Compassion Fatigue
We use neurotherapy as a prime intervention to decrease the symptoms of Compassion Fatigue

About the Treatment
Tier 1 Therapy Centers, Inc. is a female, veteran owned, Benefit Corporation. We have been treating our Special Operations Forces (SOF) and their spouses since 2012. We know the challenges spouses/caregivers face from prolonged and frequent absences. Stress overload, rigorous training, and unprecedented combat exposure that SOF warriors experience create additional stress and strain on spouses. They experience unintended consequences from their warrior’s service to our country. We must do a better job of addressing their needs.
Many spouses experience “Compassion Fatigue” without knowing such a thing even exists. Compassion Fatigue is defined as emotional and physical exhaustion leading to a diminished ability to empathize or feel compassion for others, often described as the negative cost of caring. Sometimes referred to as secondary traumatic stress (STS). Burnout and STA are two elements of compassion fatigue.
A Simple Process
Neurofeedback helps to identify less than optimal brain signaling and then retrains the brain.
- Patients undergo an extensive intake. Psychophysiological profiles consisting of quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG), physiological stress assessments and computer based cognitive assessments are performed.
- Based on assessment results, a personalized treatment protocol is developed.
- During treatment, precise instruments measure brainwaves, heart function, breathing, muscle activity and skin temperature. These instruments rapidly and accurately “feed back” information to the user. The presentation of this information in conjunction with changes in thinking, emotions and behavior, supports desired physiological changes. Over time, these changes can endure without the continued use of an instrument.
- Post treatment QEEG and clinical assessments demonstrate evidence of results.
- Upon completion, patients receive a personalized neurofeedback device and access to tools for ongoing self-care.
- 6 month and 1 year check ins
Why Neurotherapy for SOF Caregivers Suffering from Compassion Fatigue
Hampton Roads is home to Naval Station Norfolk, the largest Navy base in the world, as well as 16 other surrounding bases (including East Coast-based EOD and SEAL Teams). Local families experience long and sometimes sudden deployments, stress overload, rigorous training and unprecedented combat exposure. Service-related injuries such as mild traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress create additional stress and strain on SOF spouses/caregivers. Untreated compassion fatigue leads to anxiety, depression, addiction and divorce; plunging family members further into feelings of separation, isolation and loneliness.
Neurofeedback has been shown to effectively treat several disorders such as depression, anxiety and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Research has long demonstrated the effectiveness of neurofeedback in the treatment of addiction, post traumatic stress and nervous system dysregulation. A 2022 retrospective study of 593 participants also demonstrated the effectiveness of remote neurofeedback in improving symptoms of depression, anxiety and cognitive decline.
Tier I Therapy Centers is focused on providing our community with essential tools for recovery, optimization and healing. Our program will leverage remote neurofeedback to demonstrate scalability and success in restoring health, improving quality of life and enhancing resilience in the SOF community and beyond.
The Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue
Vicarious traumatization and Compassion Fatigue create health challenges that manifest as burnout, lack of empathy, detachment, depression, physical and mental fatigue. Compassion Fatigue is also described as the “negative cost of caring”. This is surely a contributing factor to the higher- than-average divorce rate we see in the SOF community.
Participating in neurofeedback reduces the symptoms of depression and anxiety, increases energy levels and helps patients rebound from Compassion Fatigue.
If you or someone you know is suffering from compassion fatigue, whether they are a military spouse or civilian caregiver, call today and speak with one of our friendly, caring staff members about whether or not neurotherapy is right for you. 757-452-3934.