Near Infrared Light Therapy
Improving circulation, increasing nitric oxide and boosting cellular functioning at the mitochondrial level

About the Treatment
If you have diabetes, have undergone chemotherapy or have traumatic brain injury, just 20 minutes of Near Infrared Light Therapy three times per week could help you relieve pain and numbness, improve healing of nerve endings, treat or prevent ulcers and heal injured brain tissue. Call us today to learn more: 757-452-3934.
Near Infrared Light Therapy consists of wearing an approved device to deliver Near Infrared Light to specific places on the body for specific health issues. It is painless and non-invasive.
A Simple Process
- Near Infrared Light Therapy is noninvasive and does not require a prescription.
- You may simply call our office at 757-452-3934 and schedule your therapy.
- The protocols we use consist of three sessions per week, for 20 minutes at a time, for 6 or 8 weeks, depending on your health issue.
How it works - Award Winning Science Behind Light Therapy
The 1998 Nobel Prize was awarded to scientists who discovered the relationship between near
infrared light, nitric oxide and increased circulation.
Both infrared and red light trigger the release of nitric oxide from blood vessels and red blood
cells. Nitric oxide causes local vasodilation that lasts several hours after the therapy session has
ended. Vasodilation improves blood flow. Improving blood flow lessens pain and helps nerves to
begin to carry sensations again.
There are two main factors to maximize the benefits of light therapy: the wavelength and
intensity of light energy. While most devices have red lights, our devices contain red and
infrared lights.
During treatment, the infrared light energy releases nitric oxide from hemoglobin and endothelial
cells. Nitric oxide is a signaling molecule that relaxes smooth muscle cells found in the arteries,
veins, and lymph vessels. When these muscles relax, the vessels dilate, thus allowing
increased circulation.
Many scientific studies have shown that light therapy is effective in improving nerve health. It
works by increasing ATP (adenosine triphosphate) synthesis in the mitochondria, activating the
electron transport system, and many other biochemical and biophysical reactions in the tissue.
Infrared light therapy to alleviate pain and improve circulation is based on decades of research
that found that certain wavelengths of light within the red and infrared bands were very
beneficial to living tissue.
What we treat
Here at Tier 1 Therapy Centers, we use Near Infrared Light Therapy for:
Peripheral neuropathy is the number one cause for hospitalization of diabetics.
Approximately 100,000 limbs are lost each year due to diabetes.
70% of diabetics will suffer from peripheral neuropathy.